However, I think it is time to step it up a gear and over the past few weeks, I have been investing a fair bit in Fresholi, so over the coming weeks, we’ll see lots of new products being added as we step into pastures new. Watch this space…..
On another note, as we all know, Royal Mail are putting up their prices. While we can’t get around that, what we can do is try to think of ways to ‘lighten the load’ so to speak.
Fresholi’s fragrance oils and lip balm flavour oils are normally supplied in glass bottles. Glass is heavy though. So for these materials, I will be switching to HDPE bottles. These are more lightweight and have the added advantage of being far less fragile and this will also negate the need for all the extra bubble wrap (which adds more weight/cost). Of course, it goes without saying that there will be no change to how Fresholi’s essential oils are packaged and they will continue to be supplied in amber, glass bottles.
There will also be a little restructuring of pricing of these materials. Not only will this help to streamline things a little bit, but it will also help Fresholi to absorb some of the rising costs without affecting the customer too much. Also, for some products, larger sizes will be available directly from the site – it will just make it easier for everyone I think.
Your suggestions for new products will always be welcome, so if you have any, I would love to hear them.
Until the next post, happy Easter to everyone and I will keep you posted x